Minggu, 07 April 2013

Cara Merubah Favicon Blog

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh(May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you).
Selamat Malam sahabat J.P(Jember-Preker).Malam ini saya akan share tentang tempat upload file yang aman dari waktu jangka panjang seperti kita menyimpan file" foto kita untuk kenangan kita.

 kita bisa memanfaatkan Filetolink 
alternatif lain kita bisa menggunakan tempat upload seperti

      1. Tusfiles dengan hosting ini kita dapat memungut sedikit dolar untuk kita sumbangkan ke paypal kita ^_^.kelemahan hosting ini jika dalam 3 bulan file kita tidak ada yang mendownload maka file kita di hapus.
      2. uploadic  dengan hosting ini kita juga dapat mendapatkan duit seupil demi masa depan blogging ^_^.Untuk file hosting tusfiles kita harus menyebarkan link kita untuk di dwonload agar link kita dapat bertahan dalam hosting tusfiles,tapi gk mungkin juga dalam 3 bulan selalu di downloan dalam bulan berikutnya.sembari googling mencari hosting yang lifetime,ada kaga ya..?

        Sedikit kutipan dari Tusfiles


        1. You must be logged in while uploading to TusFiles.net. 2. Your uploads must honor our terms of service & copyrights.
        3. You are disqualified & banned if you try to manipulate your results.
        4. Files must be over 1 kb.
        5. References of the link clicked must be from the site where the link is placed.
        6. Any act of fake downloads and cheating the system for personal benefits will not be tolerated. Any such attempt if found may result in permanent ban of that user,account & ip address.
        7. We reserve the right to modify the Earn money program at any time without prior notice.
        8. There is a limit to money generated by a unique IP per day (24 hours) to prevent cheating.
        9. We don't accept downloads from proxy servers like opera mini.


        1. Enhance your earnings by avoiding multiple hosts for your files. 2. Use TusFiles.net as your main filehost.
        3. Enjoy the benefits of each download and every premium you help sell.
        4. Always upload files which could attract more users and downloads.
        5. Quality of content is more important than quantity.
        6. Less contents with more downloads are helpful for you than huge contents with less activity.

Semoga artikel saya dapat membantu Anda sekalian terima kasih
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarokatu. 

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